The Finsea Group has welcomed 10 new members of staff in 2024: Riccardo Cocolo /Medmar Tramp Trieste, Alice Drago and Cristiano Lai/MMS, Aurora Leto/Silt Genova, Alessio Costella and Maurizio Prelli/Silt Trieste, Federica Pastore/Finsea, Nicolò Olanda/YMI, Beatrice D’Atri and Simone Coscia/Mto.
Some colleagues have reached their well-deserved retirement in the meantime, such as Franca/Silt Spezia, Rosanna Baldassarre/YMI, Bruno Canova and Elisabetta Delaude/Mto. Franco Avanzino remains as a key member of the Group.
Training courses for a total of 3,400 hours have been provided: one-to-one English courses, the Domenico Papagno Course – a point of excellence in the Italian maritime world -, Cyber Security, Administrative Responsibility l.231, Harbour Master’s and IMDG/Reefer courses. In addition, soft skills courses such as Team Building, Active Listening and Communication, organized both in-house and remotely via EBN/Cisco.
A process of skill profiling is underway, initially aimed at management roles and a selected group of younger key colleagues. This assessment and specific training projects will, over time, involve the entire company.
We have been introducing tools such as OneDrive (cloud storage platform) and Teams (collaboration and communication tools), which also integrate artificial intelligence functions, becoming increasingly useful in our daily work.