Sinalefi has several contracts signed with the PerGenova Breakwater Consortium

Sinalefi, a company founded in 2023 and 50% owned by the holding companies Finsea and IL Investimenti, has several contracts signed with the PerGenova Breakwater Consortium for the construction of the new breakwater in Genoa. The relationships with the companies that form the PGBW Consortium has led Sinalefi to become more widely known, improving the prospective of new projects. We are eager to see the fruits of it. The success of this project is a testament to the teamwork between the two companies Medmar Tramp and Medov.

Thanks to Antonio Di Dato, on the front line every day managing the operations of the agency activities, and the entire Sinalefi team who have done an exceptional job.
Here are some details from the year just ended regarding the construction of the new breakwater (September 2023-November 2024). There were 491 ports managed and 400 port movements ; the unloaded material consists of 1,700,000 tons of gravel, 600,000 tons of stone and 250,000 tons of material, all originally coming from Genoa. As of today, 5 out of a total of 100 cassons (40×20 m each) have been positioned.