Spediporto CUP 2024: Finsea Shines in the Tournament

Finsea won third place in the Spediporto CUP 2024, beating Ignazio Messina 5-4 in a hard-fought “final”. The event, organized by Spediporto with the support of We Play Football and sponsored by Shipping Italy, saw the participation of 12 teams from the logistics and transport sector. In group B, Finsea triumphed over Ignazio Messina and Gastaldi Holding, with PSA Genova, Saimare and De Wave in the rankings.

The semi-finals saw Priano Marchelli win against Ignazio Messina thanks to a late goal, while Cava International/S&L Trasporti beat Finsea on penalties. The awards ceremony for the top four was presided over by the President of Spediporto, Andrea Giachero.

Finsea lineup:
Manager: Gian Nicola Patrone
Coaches: Andrea Olanda, Alessio Garrone and Riccardo Scafidi
Team: Alessandro Benelli (striker), Lorenzo Bernini, Davide Becciu ( winger), Luca Cerone, Luca Cornero, Daniele Patrone, Enrico Paravagna, Piero Piazze, Nicolò Fazio, Francesco Garrone, Roberto Gentilucci, Federico Migliorini, Luca Manzi, Nicolò Olanda, Tommaso Arlandini, Alessandro Savona ( capitan), Filippo Tassara.

The sixth edition of the Spediporto CUP in 2025 has been programmed and is much looked forward to.